Thursday, November 24, 2005

On The Edge Of Life

Livin' on the edge of life I'm tryin' to find my way through it
But lost in darkness I am n' stand here very unfit
"Joyful moments I have'" I sang really loud
But now I realise that it was just a passing cloud

The moments i spent with her were so happy n gay
In complete I am today
Lookin' back at those moments I wonder what i was thinkin'?
But when it all ended I wasn't heart was sinkin'

I couldn't imagine anyone else in her place
Some one comes up to me,'I can keep u happy',she says was an unfamiliar word to me
For nothing other than sorrow did I fancy

"Trust me as I am the one",she said
"I luv u truly" she whispered.......putting her hand on my head
I din't know if her hand promised me luv or tried to push me to the 'Edge Of Life' yet again
But a ray of hope I could see in my life..........gettin' me out of depression n' strain

It was a feeling which I never experienced
In tears of happiness was I drenched
I was in luv......far away from the harsh phases of life
Hadn't she been by my side.........I would have always lived on the 'Edge Of Life'